Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We are still just waiting for the formal approval. It has been 12 days since our final homestudy visit and she said it would take 2-4 weeks to get the homestudy written and approved. It has been an interesting 12 days. Sometimes I want our social worker to hurry up, but for what? Once we are approved, we will really start waiting, so why rush it? The other part of me feels completely at ease knowing that all of this is in his timing and who am I to try to rush something.

People keep asking us how we are doing...and I don't know that there is a "correct" answer for that. It sounds crazy to some because we have three, healthy, amazing bio children, but yet we have a void in our hearts for our child that will be with us soon. I remember when I was pregnant with the boys and I would wonder how I could possibly love the boys as much as Anna. God just stretches your heart and before you know it, you love them all the same and realize you have more love to give. It is great to know that you are doing God's will, but it is tough to walk around with that void that you know he will fill in his timing.

The other question I get a bunch is how is adopting different from carrying a baby? In some ways it isn't that have to wait, you don't know what you are having, you don't know if you are ready, you don't know how this child will impact your life, etc. On the other hand, with a pregnancy you pretty much know when the baby will be here....some people can even plan it! In the end, it is all a God thing. I've learned to stop questioning so much and just letting go....

We did pick up our crib on Saturday...our furniture guy Barry Faith painted it for us and it looks amazing. I decided not to set it up until we get moved....

So that's the adoption update!! I'll be sure to post as soon as we get the OFFICIAL APPROVAL!

1 comment:

BlessedWithDaughters said...

I'll be praying! Very exciting stuff! I know it feels like forever...Been there...
