Thursday, November 29, 2007

Reality Check

Today was an interesting day and I found that I couldn't wait to blog about it and yet, I almost didn't want to blog about it because I didn't want it to come across the wrong way. I had Mags and Mary Elizabeth today and I went to meet a friend at Sears to pick up some stuff. As I was coming back home, I was hungry and realizing that would be the one time I would get a few minutes to eat in peace, I decided it was time for some Taco Bell. As I turned out of the mall, I noticed a homeless man sitting on the side of the road. He was holding a sign that said something like "Anything you can give will help, even prayers." It hit me. REALLY hit me and I knew immediately what I had to do. HAD TO DO IT. I went to the Bell and got my lunch and I also ordered lunch for this man. I was scared to death as I pulled back into the mall entrance and pulled in and parked behind him. As I did, he got up and started to walk away like he was afraid I was a cop or something. I got out and said "SIR!" He looked back at me as he was quickly walking away and I said, "but I got you lunch!" He walked over to me and all I could think to say was "I hope you like Tacos." He said, "oh yes, I do." I told him that I got him mild and hot sauce, handed him his drink and told him to stay warm. As I handed him the drink, I realized he only had one arm. He just stood there and stared at me like he couldn't believe I had just done that. Trust me buddy, I couldn't believe I had done it either. BUT I HAD TO. I got in the car and lost it...cried the whole way home. Why? I'm not really sure. Not really sure why I am crying as I type this. I didn't do it because I wanted a feel good moment. I didn't post this because I wanted you to think I am a good person. I did it because we are supposed to, because it literally took nothing to do it, and I got way more out of it than what he got from me. He got some warm lunch....I got humbled. I got Jesus in a real way today. Next time you get the feeling that you just HAVE TO DO SOMETHING (even if it's uncomfortable) DO IT!!!


Anonymous said...

What a blessing we receive when we begin to see, interact, and uncover God's kingdom! Every act of kindness points toward God's existence and love for a lost and dying world. That man may have been a fellow believer...or you may have just given him something to believe in. Hope. "Christ in you....the Hope of Glory!" (Col. 1:27)


Anonymous said...

GIRL who are you? I'm really proud of you - not for "being a good person" but for your growth in Christ that is so amazingly obvious! Thanks for being obedient and for sharing. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Praise God that you listened to God's calling for an act that you needed to do at that moment in time. I have had this happen to me twice. The voice of God speaks VERY LOUD when this happens. You can't ignore it. Do you remember the homeless lady that was always pushing her basket by the Rivergate Mall? I had seen her for years. One day I saw her and all of a sudden I HAD TO TURN MY CAR AROUND because the Lord told me to take her some money. I had Heather in the car so I was nervous. She was just a baby. I parked close to where the lady was sitting on the grass and ran the money to her and she said that God had just answered her prayer. She was hungry and now she could go get some food. I had another incident happen when I worked in West Nashville. I was getting ready to walk into an Italian pub and 2 men approached my friends and I. They asked if we could buy them some lunch. My friends brushed them off and I kept walking with my friends but felt bad. In the line for the food, I heard God loud and clear. I told the girl next to me that I had to buy lunch for those men. She decided to help me pay for it so we took Pizza and drinks out to them. The men were gone!! My friend said she was going back into the pub and I said I was going to find them. I started running down the streets of West Nashville yelling "Mister...I have food for you." I finally found them and they crossed the street back over to me. The men approached me and 1 of them thanked me and said that he was sorry he had to ask for food...that there was a time in his life that things weren't this way. He had the most beautiful blue eyes...I felt like God was there in those eyes. An amazing moment. We are not to judge those in need.....just help if you can. Don't worry where the money goes if you give money....God will deal with them later if they used it wrong.

Anonymous said...

Brea! That is the way girl. you listened and gave what he needed. Way to "BE THE CHURCH" I am cheering for you!!! YEEHAW!!!

Anonymous said...

Matthew 25:31-46, "when you do it to the least of these, you have done it to me."
You fed Jesus today! Do it again tomorrow! - Ray

Anonymous said...

What an amazing way to be used by God. It reminds me of the song "The Twenty First Time" by Monk & Neagle. How often are we presented with the opportunity to really share Christ's love and we pass it up? Way too many! Thank you for reminding us all the responsibility that Jesus left us with when he took his place in Heaven. Love you ~ Shauna