I am definitely feeling better, thanks for ALL the prayers! I sat down and mapped out what HAD to be done and what COULD wait and worked off those lists. I still have a lot of house decluttering to do, but I have checked so much off my to do list that I simply can't complain.
I had an awesome grocery shopping/coupon day yesterday. I have a picture of my finds that I will list tomorrow with the details but until then, I had a thought that I wanted some feedback on.
Has anyone ever heard of a coupon circle? From what I understand, this is a group of women that get together weekly/bi-weekly/monthly, whatever and swap coupons that they won't use, etc. If you have participated in one or know of any grandmas that have (HA HA), I would love to hear some feedback. I am thinking of starting one and wanted to see what feedback I get.
Based on my shopping yesterday, we did our normal every 2 week big grocery trip for $110 vs. the normal $250 all by using a mix of store and manufacturer coupons. I was so proud and based on previous experience as to the in between weekly trip, I think I can successfully lower our grocery budget from $600 a month to $350 a month. Yes, $350 a month for a family of 6.
Don't get me wrong. We got great stuff. We got shrimp, meat, milk, tons of baby food, all of our normal foods, etc. The difference is that we didn't need the normal toiletries/cleaning supplies because of my new found love of CVS and their extra care program. We have a stockpile of paper towels, toilet paper, razors, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, Lysol, etc. that I am getting for pennies on the dollar and it is saving me a ton since I am not buying these items on my "normal" grocery trips.
Consignment prep is going great...fliers are in the mail THIS WEEK FINALLY! PRAISE GOD! Watch for my motherload of groceries post tomorrow!
hey brea.. I have heard of a coupon train and coupon swaps ... I get my Moms and sometimes her neighbors.. I can swap with you.. that is a great idea!
sorry brea.. that is my post ... I forgot to leave my name... oops.. Vickie
I think I have heard of a coupon swaps. I have so many coupons that I can't use (mostly because I can't have candy or any sweets, due to my Diabetes), but I always cut them out just in case someone wants them. I really think that is a cool idea.
I do have people from connect, Matthew's work, my family and his family save coupons for me, and the connect group saves their baby supplies coupons for me as well. This has been such a huge blessing for our family.
Oh yeah, if you go to the Food Lion generator on my blog spot, you can print off a coupon for food lion baby wipes. When you check out and scan the coupon they will come up as $0.00! Though I have have never used Food Lion's brand of wipes, I'm willing to take a stab at it since they are free.
a coupon swap sounds GREAT to me. I think bi-weekly would be better b/c some coupons expire quickly and honestly i think life is too overwhelming to meet every week. you could always make exceptions when a really great deal is going on.
I am working on getting a box set up at my church for other people to leave their unwanted coupons. Then, I will be able to get the ones I need and use the others towards 'freebies' for our Help Center. The freebies will be from watching the sales ads and use of the coupons. I also trade unused coupons with my father-in-law. He is like us!
FOOD LION-Look at the ad starting 7/16....Pepsi 2 ltrs, Wisk 32 loads, Lysol 80 ct. Wipes, Kraft 16 slice cheese are good deals with your Sunday coupons. Also, the Food Lion on New Shackle Island marks the meats down EVERY morning. Some of the meats are a STEAL! Usually marked 40-50% off.
-Cindy Phillips
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