Thursday, July 5, 2007

When it rains, it pours...

After posting my super depressing notes on Monday, several things happened. I had a great conversation with my mom....I had assumed she was calling after reading my blog, but she hadn't. It was an awesome time of talking about how much we have learned through this process, with or without a baby. How AWARE we are of racism now, more so than the whole family will be impacted. It was a good chat.

Then, on Tuesday, I got to go to my sister's doctors appointments and got to see a 3D ultrasound of Maggie. I know, I know...I STILL haven't posted pics yet but hey, I am not a big digital buff so I am relying on a CD from my fam to get these uploaded (HINT HINT!)

After seeing those beautiful chubby cheeks on my niece, I checked voicemail and my boss from the clinic had called. I returned his phone call only to find out I had been laid off. YUCK!

I LOVE my job....I know you can't always tell from my posts, but I do. I love the people (even the crazy ones), I love the insane pace, etc. What is really a GOD thing is that while crying my eyes out I realized that I would have to pull the kids out of summer camp since my part time gig footed the bill, and suddenly the part time gig is GONE! Instead of being frantic, I had a great peace and realized that this was God's way of saying, "spend some good quality time with the kiddos before they all go to school" I felt ok...and then I read the comments on my last post and it seems that all of you were praying for the same thing for me. Peace and more quality time with my kiddos before the new Freeman arrives.

So, yes, it poured some more after Monday, but hey, rain brings growth and I am ready to grow in GOD so bring on the rain.

Believe it or not, the kids are really excited about no more camp. Don't get me wrong, THEY LOVE IT and beg to go every morning but I think they are excited to explore some new adventures with mom and I am too!

P.S. My social worker is back in town...have I mentioned I LOVE her. I told her about the situation we were presented with and that we had turned it down. I think she was really impressed that we kept our cool in that tough decision we had to make...

1 comment:

BlessedWithDaughters said...

I'm so excited for you that new challenges are being presented and yet you are recognizing them as a time for growth and faith! You go, sister! You'll be in our prayers...
